2024 600 Club Singles
Standings for 600 Club Singles

600 Club Singles only game 3 sorted by total overall pins
600 Club Singles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total Prize
1 Mary Lou O'Bryant 166 125 187 172 187 255 $50.00
2 Becky Cochran 127 137 182 155 182 242 $30.00
3 Liz Morris 124 161 180 155 180 240 $20.00
4 Jennifer McGinnis 171 155 180 204 180 230
5 Cathy Cornish 147 145 150 125 150 207
6 Peggy Carter 162 135 136 165 136 206
7 Malinda Knight 145 142 128 133 128 182

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