2024 Youth Open
Standings for Youth Open

Youth Doubles Handicap B sorted by total overall pins
Youth Doubles Handicap B 1 2 3 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Jayde Snyder / Levi Mattocks 268 231 289 788 1538
2 Austin Plyler / Aiden VanSise 295 308 325 928 1471
3 Smeltzer Zachary / Leeman Nelson 299 267 244 810 1428
4 Justin Weyand / Lucas McCool 337 368 381 1086 1395
5 Ember Strausbaugh / Robert Shouey 381 298 349 1028 1331
6 Evan Goodman / Preston Fenstermaker 238 314 309 861 1233
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