2023 Bearded Beast Tournament 10/1-10/6
Standings for Bearded Beast Tournament 10/1-10/6

Bearded Beast Tournament
Bearded Beast Tournament 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Cecil Bailey 217 234 221 672 735 $50.00
2 Betty Smith 205 174 192 571 715 20 $30.00
3 Derek Dillon 279 235 188 702 711 24 4
4 Dylan Bell 128 172 227 527 683 52 32
5 Michael Romero 203 250 225 678 678 57 37
6 Kaci Dillon 145 151 141 437 641 94 74
7 James Fielder 234 204 198 636 636 99 79
8 Russell Thurman 180 188 183 551 596 139 119
9 Steven Kennicott 1 1 1 3 3 732 712

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