2024 600 Club Scotch Doubles
Standings for 600 Club Scotch Doubles

600 Club Scotch Doubles
600 Club Scotch Doubles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Brian Krafthefer Lori Krafthefer 143 193 204 245 642 708
2 Scott Gilbert Madisyn Gilbert 236 193 179 214 643 682
3 Matt Farler Cathy Cornish 142 166 171 211 548 668
4 Tim Anderson Rae Anderson 194 186 224 193 611 644
5 Erick Madison Reda Castle 182 234 181 168 597 630
6 Shawnn Bussey Sr Andrea Dillinger 187 178 220 198 605 629
7t Brad Knight Malinda Knight 145 174 144 193 512 590
7t Jason Frey Tammie Hartranft 161 148 149 226 536 590
9 Andy Edwards Becky Posey 130 166 131 162 459 552
10 Jimmy McGinnis Deb Lyons 159 128 155 157 471 516

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