Standings for NOV LVYBT

Handicap 180 Above
Handicap 180 Above 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Bryan Gregson / Eddie Yuen 401 421 412 450 433 2117 2487
2 Conner Pitts / Mike Clemence 485 462 363 396 427 2133 2463
3 Jake Van Ryne / Steve Van Ryne 373 366 467 392 447 2045 2445
4 Alvin Lee / Alex Lee 391 446 479 386 407 2109 2419
5 Desiree Hunt / Patrick Hunt 449 436 385 400 472 2142 2412 7
6 Kekoa Touchstrone / Dave Cullen 349 450 378 443 363 1983 2358 61
7 Jaiyla Higgins / James Higgins 415 353 370 354 370 1862 2322 97
8 Pablo Ypina / Perry Platko 367 383 337 360 482 1929 2284 135
9 Elijah Nebres / Austin Nash 339 422 359 398 338 1856 2231 188
10 Matthew Davis / Victor Johnson 392 436 333 401 343 1905 2190 229
11 Valentino Souza / Monty Cardenas 340 362 368 398 338 1806 2166 253
12 Logan Hollander / Zane Hollander 370 337 310 365 389 1771 2161 258
13 Jackson Gillespie / Brandon Camarillo 436 305 336 401 345 1823 2103 316
14 Hannah Baum / Damon Zane 327 323 343 352 349 1694 2079 340
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