2022 Roll 21-22 PLAYOFFS
Standings for Roll 21-22 PLAYOFFS

Week 2 PLAYOFFS only game 1
Week 2 PLAYOFFS 0 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Points Scratch Total
1 11 - Drink, Drank, Drunk 254.5 (2711) 89 (1004) 71 (906) 37.5 (835) 89 883 1004
2 09 - Jym's Crew 294.5 (2746) 79.5 (918) 62 (896) 86 (1004) 79.5 817 918
3 05 Splits & Wiggles 221.5 (2668) 75.5 (920) 26 (827) 71 (917) 75.5 711 920
4 01 - Livin' On a Spare 179.5 (2568) 72 (903) 72.5 (918) 62 (899) 72 769 903
5 13 - Turley's Team 119 (2509) 69.5 (899) 38 (843) 78 (936) 69.5 846 899
6 10 - Hawkitack 278 (2816) 63 (886) 44.5 (853) 32 (832) 63 784 886
7 08 - Highstrike Grill 285 (2769) 60.5 (894) 72 (967) 34 (839) 60.5 776 894
8 17 - Lost In The Woods 123 (2515) 54.5 (868) 74 (915) 37.5 (843) 54.5 774 868
9 16 - Gutter Trolls 201 (2625) 51 (856) 72 (923) 64 (912) 51 526 856
10 06 - Just Like That 319.5 (2809) 49.5 (866) 75 (924) 77 (964) 49.5 739 866
11 12 - Knockin' Down Pints 210.5 (2654) 45.5 (847) 47 (869) 47.5 (881) 45.5 741 847
12 07 - The Lawler Group 118 (2540) 41.5 (836) 18.5 (814) 20.5 (782) 41.5 747 836
13 14 - Team Lane 183.5 (2590) 37 (835) 37 (834) 77 (942) 37 748 835
14 02 - Pink Unicorns 92.5 (2485) 31 (813) 44 (861) 43 (846) 31 650 813
15 03 - Team Ross 250 (2745) 29.5 (791) 51 (871) 22 (799) 29.5 742 791
16 15 - Wrecking Balls 123.5 (2523) 25 (807) 28.5 (825) 49 (858) 25 588 807
17 04 - The Philzone 194 (2680) 24.5 (746) 35 (834) 52 (880) 24.5 662 746
18 18 - Team Joe 224.5 (2740) 20 (783) 50 (882) 28 (830) 20 527 783
See individual results