2022 Karl & Sonja Dehn Memorial Tournament
Standings for Karl & Sonja Dehn Memorial Tournament

MatchPlay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Bonus Total From Cut
1 Josh Link 239 +30 224 +30 276 +30 225 +30 226 204 +30 216 +30 206 +30 1816 +210    2026
2 Mark Hodges 219 +30 202 216 +30 193 +30 174 249 +30 193 +30 193 +30 1639 +180    1819
3 Nolan Croskrey 162 263 +30 202 +30 211 204 +30 232 237 +30 175 1686 +120    1806
4 Brian Thomas 224 +30 245 +30 205 +30 177 196 192 186 243 +30 1668 +120    1788
5t Jeff Carroll 178 249 +30 259 +30 199 +30 187 +30 190 203 192 1657 +120    1777
5t Dave Martinich Jr 215 +30 202 +30 191 +30 217 +30 199 197 +30 169 237 1627 +150    1777
7 Tommy Croskrey 259 +30 216 +30 166 +30 164 189 206 +30 163 213 +30 1576 +150    1726
8 Bobby Alexsinski 204 +30 194 +30 166 163 224 +30 196 231 +30 208 1586 +120    1706
9 Cory Williams 204 +30 190 183 178 +30 202 +30 201 171 +30 177 +30 1506 +150    1656
10 Tony Woodward 180 161 181 +30 234 +30 193 200 +30 160 203 +30 1512 +120    1632
11 Shane Fix 164 133 189 +15 222 +30 192 +30 213 +30 154 180 1447 +105    1552
12 Shawn Mariani 144 159 189 +15 180 +30 233 +30 207 200 +30 126 1438 +105    1543
Tim Rooney 186 159 189 190 202 +30 176 +30 1102 +60    1162 cut
Russ Dunn 201 140 +30 181 135 189 +30 210 +30 1056 +90    1146 elim
Lyle Kittell 200 +30 192 177 180 172 193 1114 +30    1144 elim
Rick Perry 132 194 +30 171 203 +30 184 +30 156 1040 +90    1130 elim
Garrett Heywood 188 165 147 179 182 196 +30 1057 +30    1087 elim
Mike Christensen 188 +30 148 144 164 182 188 1014 +30    1044 elim
 See individual matches