2022 Kenmore Trios NOVEMBER 13
Standings for Kenmore Trios NOVEMBER 13

KENMORE TRIOS only game 3
KENMORE TRIOS 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Bonus Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 21 - Sanchez-Niumata-Sanders 473 590 +54 721 +78 539 +16 677 +78 721 806 +78    884 $690.00
2 23 - Kraszewski-Lomax-Easley 580 +62 683 +78 641 +78 632 +32 575 +62 641 764 +78    842 42 $600.00
3 12 - Roberts-Donovan-Wilcox 610 +78 496 +16 683 +62 695 +62 573 +62 683 766 +62    828 56 $525.00
4 10 - Shields-Houghtaling-Boe 588 +62 542 +32 610 +78 544 +16 527 +16 610 749 +78    827 57 $450.00
5 24 - Pelham-Brittle-Dorsett 542 +16 553 +16 639 +78 559 +16 598 +70 639 728 +78    806 78 $366.00
6 09 - Eik-Granger-Cooper 555 +16 603 +16 651 +78 540 +46 580 +16 651 714 +78    792 92 $300.00
7 07 - Lawler-Crow-Hrdlicka 585 +16 701 +78 626 +62 683 +46 591 +16 626 729 +62    791 93 1
8 16 - Knapp-Dominique-Allen 619 +78 578 +46 636 +62 561 640 +62 636 722 +62    784 100 8
9 29 - Linn-Winninghoff-White 675 +62 604 +32 592 +62 714 +78 566 +32 592 678 +62    740 144 52
10 17 - St Clair-St Clair-Henderson 577 +78 482 +16 519 +62 602 +16 469 +16 519 671 +62    733 151 59
11t 01 - Roach-Thompson-Emerson 613 +62 486 +32 556 +62 594 +62 597 +46 556 669 +62    731 153 61
11t 19 - Ross-Severtsen-Skrinski 574 +16 587 +16 626 +62 663 +62 602 +8 626 669 +62    731 153 61
13 03 - Umetsu-Delap-Sipes 590 649 +62 665 +16 659 +62 611 +32 665 714 +16    730 154 62
14 04 - Johnson-Timm-Marlotty 633 +62 606 +46 561 +62 692 +62 514 +16 561 656 +62    718 166 74
15 26 - Allred-Gee-Shepherd 537 +16 608 +78 542 422 +16 470 542 683 +0    683 201 109
16 05 - Nagasawa-DeWitt-Poblete 616 +62 656 587 +16 579 +16 590 +46 587 663 +16    679 205 113
17 18 - Dumond-Woolley-O'Neal 554 +16 620 +62 547 +46 566 560 +16 547 627 +46    673 211 119
18 22 - Johnson-Gorall-Gorall 662 +78 519 +46 498 567 +62 489 +46 498 672 +0    672 212 120
19 15 - Gratzer-Gratzer-Davidson 680 +78 674 +62 606 +16 659 +16 680 +62 606 651 +16    667 217 125
20 20 - Mudd-Bush-Zakharov 435 +62 644 +78 487 +16 535 +62 503 +62 487 648 +16    664 220 128
21 14 - Salazar-Garland-Garland 556 +16 570 +46 511 +16 458 +32 457 +16 511 638 +16    654 230 138
22 02 - Price-Manning-Burdine 605 +62 597 +62 525 +16 585 +62 613 +16 525 632 +16    648 236 144
23t 25 - Sliauter-Lane-Roe 615 +62 628 556 +32 736 +78 644 +32 556 610 +32    642 242 150
23t 27 - de Leon-de Leon-Michel 414 547 +62 497 486 +16 478 +62 497 642 +0    642 242 150
25 08 - Burke-Hanson-Schmidt 531 586 +62 546 633 +62 588 +62 546 633 +0    633 251 159
26 11 - Pedersen-Van Dusen-Pedersen 567 +16 569 +32 491 +16 548 +16 562 +62 491 608 +16    624 260 168
27 06 - Conklin-Conklin-Lewis 587 +62 546 571 584 +46 704 +62 571 612 +0    612 272 180
28 13 - Booth-Takacs-Takacs 422 +16 486 +16 423 +16 438 +32 574 +16 423 592 +16    608 276 184
29 28 - Darnall-Mathews-Young 583 +16 516 468 532 +16 583 +62 468 554 +0    554 330 238
30 - BYE 420 420 +24 420 +78 420 +62 420 +16 420 648 +78    726 ex
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