2023 Soba Ten Down
Standings for Soba Ten Down

Soba match play sorted by scratch
Soba match play 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Bonus Total
1 Charlie Wilson 256 +30 245 +30 259 204 +30 205 +30 1169 +120    1289
2 Steve Mora 179 +30 289 +30 268 +30 194 155 1085 +90    1175
3 Jason Taylor 233 +30 194 +30 227 179 235 +30 1068 +90    1158
4 Dylan Jarvis 251 +30 199 246 +30 165 199 1060 +60    1120
5 Anthony Wyatt 220 +30 192 255 +30 200 +30 179 +30 1046 +120    1166
6 Joseph Walrath 214 +30 202 +30 221 +30 224 +30 172 1033 +120    1153
7 Anthony Friesen 169 248 +30 224 +30 185 +15 202 +30 1028 +105    1133
8 Rick Snead 246 +30 166 181 208 224 +30 1025 +60    1085
9 Justin Thorpe 192 194 +30 196 213 +30 228 +30 1023 +90    1113
10 Brad Jones 195 132 237 +30 245 +30 195 1004 +60    1064
11 Trevor Hiatt 171 209 +30 210 +30 199 +30 211 +30 1000 +120    1120
12 Daniel Lockart 195 +30 183 174 227 202 +30 981 +60    1041
13 Kian Pryor 207 188 174 176 +30 231 +30 976 +60    1036
14 Dieryel Wade 196 +30 212 +30 191 187 186 972 +60    1032
15 Michael McCuen 149 193 +30 229 +30 224 +30 172 967 +90    1057
16 Charlie Sanders 165 187 195 +30 175 215 937 +30    967
17 Jeff Letendre 197 +30 184 224 +30 185 +15 141 931 +75    1006
18 Ben Smith 205 233 +30 160 184 145 927 +30    957
19 Jon Hennebeck 181 183 170 161 194 +30 889 +30    919
20 Rodger Craddock 164 187 163 176 +30 142 832 +30    862
 See individual matches