2024 S.O.A.S.Caveman Bowl Open Doubles
Standings for S.O.A.S.Caveman Bowl Open Doubles

Match Play sorted by total overall pins
Match Play 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Bonus Total +/-200 From Cut
1 Bob Reed / Kevin Croucher 361 +45 471 +45 376 +15 457 +45 435 +60 2100 +210    2310 +310
2 Jason Taylor / Rick Snead 414 +60 394 +60 416 +60 439 +15 403 2066 +195    2261 +261
3 David Dubois / Kian Pryor 394 +60 384 384 +45 464 +60 378 +45 2004 +210    2214 +214
4 Justin Thorpe / Nate McSwain 404 +45 464 +15 338 344 402 +60 1952 +120    2072 +72 142
5 Mike Cyphers / Gannon Cyphers 365 330 +15 402 +45 413 +45 338 +15 1848 +120    1968 -32 246
6 John Perry / Charlie Sanders 362 +15 335 +45 366 +60 379 +15 357 1799 +135    1934 -66 280
7 Jordan DeLorme / Jeff Letendre Jr. 288 306 389 +15 442 +60 380 +15 1805 +90    1895 -105 319
8 Gary Lueker / Bobby Reed Jr 313 +15 348 +60 344 347 381 +45 1733 +120    1853 -147 361
 See individual matches