2021 Lane Glo Singles Oct 2021
Standings for Lane Glo Singles Oct 2021

Handicap Singles up to game 1
Handicap Singles 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Michael Thompson 299 255 228 236 223 299 308 $320.00
2 Lionel Johnson 240 212 211 172 247 240 256 $200.00
3 Brandon Cole 217 144 199 172 157 217 250 $120.00
4 Janet Perez-Fisher 162 149 131 147 146 162 243 $80.00
5 Bok-Dal Xanthaky 187 176 179 157 109 187 241 $50.00
6 Christine DiLeo 189 132 162 150 201 189 239 2
7 Tyler Jones - Y 209 186 200 182 144 209 236 5
8 Preston Koller 207 183 157 215 215 207 235 6
9 Marcus McCray 234 238 279 300 246 234 234 7
10 Tirus Page 233 222 248 182 265 233 233 8
11 Christopher Leon - Y 151 169 211 185 229 151 227 14
12 Justin Paxton 223 279 213 267 214 223 223 18
13 Steven Baran 218 189 228 228 216 218 220 21
14 Brittany Parsons 175 240 213 186 201 175 208 33
15 Tyler Ogden 176 170 142 191 171 176 203 38
16 Michael Strunk 170 194 182 199 265 170 199 42
17t Jordan Short 117 131 102 110 98 117 198 43
17t Stemma Miller 119 171 153 192 155 119 198 43
19 Pete Dohan 184 224 199 300 179 184 192 49
20 Eric Davis 154 189 169 191 182 154 191 50
21 Jackie Redford 177 202 224 206 214 177 189 52
22 Stephanie Van Tassel 148 137 184 184 218 148 184 57
23 Sammy Facciponte 169 225 234 279 259 169 169 72
24 Logan Frankenfield 140 203 257 136 163 140 164 77
25 Jody Fortenberry 151 143 224 144 209 151 151 90
26 Stephon Latulas 137 184 224 182 131 137 140 101

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