2018 Hal Troy Memorial Youth Challenge
Standings for Hal Troy Memorial Youth Challenge

Semi up to game 1
Semi 0 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total Prize
1 Matthew Durham 1463 134 106 104 1597 1695
2 Kadie Dicken 1442 194 230 216 1636 1663
3 Ian Parnell 1416 152 127 171 1568 1653
4 Jasmine Emswiler 1388 150 147 103 1538 1637 $125.00
5 Colt Jance 1399 176 182 187 1575 1620 $120.00
6t Jaadyn Humphries 1395 185 142 113 1580 1609 $112.50
6t John Durham 1391 171 181 159 1562 1609 $112.50
8t Ezra Cutright 1383 191 157 211 1574 1598 $102.50
8t Cosmo Castellano 1346 225 203 172 1571 1598 $102.50
10 Josh Fleming 1359 182 174 193 1541 1583 $95.00
11t Madison Hilden 1386 173 177 165 1559 1578 $87.50
11t Jeff Gore 1328 185 183 156 1513 1578 $87.50
13 Jovan Mercado 1341 190 210 192 1531 1574 $80.00
14 Cadin Cervine 1345 181 144 210 1526 1573 $75.00
15 Parker Portalski 1387 177 154 200 1564 1569 $60.00
16 Andrew Martin 1338 215 243 156 1553 1563 $60.00
17 Abbie Kay 1331 179 209 221 1510 1552 $50.00
18 Hannah Johnson 1339 149 156 165 1488 1538 $50.00
19 Andrew Robb 1332 190 198 170 1522 1534 $45.00
20 Carter Humphries 1331 104 144 129 1435 1516 $45.00

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