2018 Mulligan Mayhem
Standings for Mulligan Mayhem

High Game HDCP up to game 2 sorted by total overall pins
High Game HDCP 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Dawn Halliday 130 203 211 152 333 477
2 Latoya Dowe 2 172 186 201 129 358 448
3 Matt 3 Jackson 194 206 187 198 400 446
4 Catherine Maslan 181 194 174 148 375 431
5 Roland Mathews 174 208 201 165 382 430
6 Gary Brainard 181 225 203 184 406 424
7 Kyle Brannan 224 163 183 145 387 421
8 Matt Jackson 211 159 120 189 370 416
9 Matthews Jackson 151 204 155 133 355 401
10 Latoya Dowe 129 160 121 139 289 379
11 Jim Pallock 160 135 188 189 295 315

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