2022 Strings 201-219
Standings for Strings 201-219

Strings 220+ up to game 2
Strings 220+ 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Mark O 221 235 184 456 466
2 Steve P #2 268 173 225 441 441
3 Jason J #2 172 259 210 431 439
4 Justin M 240 177 179 417 427
5 Aaron Wheeler 180 235 232 415 425
6t John Hough 198 214 180 412 420
6t Justin M #2 226 184 192 410 420
8 Austin H 212 179 235 391 391
9 Pete V 187 191 197 378 388
10 Stretch V 211 159 222 370 380
11 Grant S 184 188 201 372 372
12 Aaron Wheeler#3 189 171 148 360 370
13 Ron Machlan 168 196 162 364 364
14 Steve P 171 191 170 362 362
15 Jeff N 180 155 160 335 347
16 Kingsley M 147 166 122 313 313
17 Jason J 136 138 106 274 282
18 Lee R 133 144 232 277 279
19 Michael Dean 125 143 126 268 268
20 Aaron Wheeler #2 103 112 138 215 225

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