2016 Friday Night Sweeper
Standings for Friday Night Sweeper

Friday Night Sweeper up to game 2
Friday Night Sweeper 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200
1 Carl Boldt 235 176 191 181 411 +11
2t Sara Richards 186 223 223 189 409 +9
2t Josh Kryzaniak 219 190 219 183 409 +9
4 Henry Fee 207 188 172 212 395 -5
5 Nick Weems 226 162 201 183 388 -12
6 Joe Sordyl 184 183 190 218 367 -33
7 C J Kerr 137 226 206 239 363 -37
8 Michael Irving 149 164 236 224 313 -87
9 Derrick Norman 167 135 170 221 302 -98

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