2023 Lane Glo Singles April 2023
Standings for Lane Glo Singles April 2023

Senior up to game 4
Senior 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Dale Eagle 224 237 268 246 256 975 1059
2 Brian Fitzmaurice 239 257 269 200 242 965 969
3 Rich Lancaster 268 234 224 220 246 946 966
4 Lenny Solt 227 183 255 205 177 870 938 28
5 Scot Leighly 213 236 195 216 180 860 936 30
6 Jodi Casale 176 180 160 164 140 680 932 34
7 Brandon Cole 235 148 225 186 203 794 930 36
8 Travis Dietzel 218 181 205 233 236 837 909 57
9 Danny Battles 223 226 232 223 225 904 904 62
10 Ivan Prokopovich 237 198 237 227 212 899 903 63
11 Tommy Ridgley 179 198 198 219 246 794 890 76
12 Trevor Mackie 158 176 179 190 129 703 835 131
13 Bok-Dal Xanthaky 176 120 169 154 180 619 827 139
14 Rutledge Pearson Jr 154 181 186 120 131 641 805 161
15 Rich Laudadio 170 189 179 202 206 740 784 182

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