2021 Strike Easy Summer Sweeper #9
Standings for Strike Easy Summer Sweeper #9

Summer Sweeper #9 only game 1
Summer Sweeper #9 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total Prize
1 Daniel Fleming 258 177 268 166 258 266 $170.00
2 Cortazz Jackson 229 239 169 150 229 259 $90.00
3 Spencer Moye 238 277 187 222 238 250
4 Curtis Jackson 214 115 184 227 214 246
5 Tyrone Brewington 212 223 214 190 212 236
6 Melvin Briggs 197 213 186 197 197 233
7t Christian Mills 190 189 239 236 190 223
7t Mike Crafton 203 241 239 233 203 223
9 Vincent Altman 202 193 212 193 202 218
10 Cornelius Jackson 204 213 279 203 204 217
11 Austin Puchalski 189 146 129 186 189 215
12 Allan Keener 159 214 189 204 159 203
13 Lindsay Gesel 151 172 190 177 151 193

Scan for Standings