2021 Strike Easy Summer Sweeper #10
Standings for Strike Easy Summer Sweeper #10

Summer Sweeper #10 only game 2
Summer Sweeper #10 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total Prize
1 Sinclair Dudley 121 268 257 193 268 294 $220.00
2 Brian Roberts 204 278 216 207 278 291 $100.00
3 Tyrone Brewington 196 257 243 214 257 281 $50.00
4 Michael Goodrich Jr. 198 245 191 222 245 273 $30.00
5 Allan Keener 157 224 196 257 224 268
6 Matthews Jackson 249 236 211 131 236 262
7 Spencer Moye 195 243 249 221 243 255
8 Leonard Stevens 258 244 236 278 244 251
9 Edna Sheffield 174 187 184 190 187 244
10 Nathan Truex 166 197 173 223 197 242
11 Tony Starks 207 216 198 201 216 238
12 Vincent Altman 244 221 194 256 221 237
13 Mike Crafton 232 213 235 195 213 233
14 Lindsay Gesel 177 184 235 162 184 226
15 Dawon Newsome 215 202 264 226 202 223
16 Will Hill 226 208 226 248 208 217
17 Daniel Benton 222 178 171 224 178 214
18 Drew Lambert 279 192 225 247 192 208
19 Daniel Hamilton 248 194 184 222 194 207
20 Hamilton Lawrence 160 163 214 35 163 184

Scan for Standings