2022 Theory Vs Skill Youth 6.7.2022
Standings for Theory Vs Skill Youth 6.7.2022

Qualifying Youth only game 2
Qualifying Youth 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Viktoriya Berger 208 175 103 107 175 223
2 Jaxon Witt 121 193 203 176 193 208
3 Joysbeliz Reyes-Solanos 174 170 210 131 170 191
4 River Diseker 184 137 139 220 137 190
5 Rebecca Wilson 119 138 102 162 138 187
6 Seth Kitten 124 123 129 96 123 179
7 Adan Flores 215 166 230 180 166 174
8 Brekton Crouch 99 142 127 189 142 173
9 Enairys Diaz 145 135 117 113 135 171
10 Coy Dickson 125 132 137 163 132 153
11 Noah Narbaez 169 129 226 171 129 146
12 Ian Pena 87 67 86 102 67 67

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