Sims Tournament only game 2
Sims Tournament 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut Prize
1 Jimmy Hutchinson 222 258 167 171 199 258
2 Tom Hankey Jr 167 256 191 195 176 256
3 Walter Ray Williams Jr 169 242 215 205 208 242
4t Andrew Colon 209 233 212 246 204 233
4t Quinn Tillman 181 233 202 149 201 233
6 Tyrel Rice 192 223 131 169 183 223 10 $120.00
7 Justin Paxton 156 221 164 133 208 221 12 $105.00
8 Jon Rakoski 278 216 189 258 158 216 17 $90.00
9t Ryan Waddell 192 214 223 162 187 214 19 $67.50
9t David Lance 203 214 179 189 181 214 19 $67.50
11 Johnny O'Connor 183 212 151 202 129 212 21
12 Rich Lancaster 193 207 144 167 189 207 26
13 Tony Biondi 222 206 208 211 201 206 27
14 Quentin Alexander 175 204 221 191 190 204 29
15 Jason Orsini 176 195 207 180 149 195 38
16 Nick Howard 208 192 170 143 192 192 41
17t Chris Smith 174 191 198 146 218 191 42
17t Christian Liquori 160 191 178 179 198 191 42
19 Brian Fitzmaurice 180 187 202 147 142 187 46
20 Stephen Madsen 177 185 142 165 196 185 48
21 Ashley Morrow 188 182 167 186 140 182 51
22 Lenny Solt 157 181 191 180 203 181 52
23t Lincoln Moyer 141 180 174 255 177 180 53
23t Nick Larsen 169 180 208 165 159 180 53
25t Daniel Brooks 189 179 192 203 204 179 54
25t Tyler Lillo 181 179 235 238 173 179 54
27 Jackson Day 176 177 183 208 138 177 56
28 Lewis Martin 245 176 211 235 183 176 57
29 Michael Daughtery 208 173 197 211 131 173 60
30 Ryan Williams 167 169 170 203 202 169 64
31 Jake House 194 168 134 169 177 168 65
32 Ben Hardin 182 162 207 154 159 162 71
33 Elliot McLane 182 161 114 189 205 161 72
34 Dylan Cole 168 159 93 128 134 159 74
35 Jackie Redford 156 158 144 214 155 158 75
36 Patrick McCarthy 190 156 198 179 166 156 77
37t Donnie Schwartz 173 155 257 163 230 155 78
37t Ian Fournier 216 155 168 157 204 155 78
39t Derek Ayers 187 154 167 200 150 154 79
39t Alex Piekarz 177 154 180 160 212 154 79
39t Trey O'Shields 204 154 118 149 177 154 79
42 Josh Purser 154 153 165 166 182 153 80
43 Isiah Jackson 189 152 193 172 153 152 81
44 Austin Andrews 168 146 222 169 205 146 87
45 Danny Berardi 196 142 155 159 178 142 91
46 Stephen Lippman 112 141 145 113 148 141 92
47 Ryan Flores 111 139 92 130 192 139 94
48 Solomon Johnson 117 136 220 119 181 136 97
49 Edward Pierson 112 135 115 131 153 135 98
50 Geegory Mieke 184 132 166 141 125 132 101
51 Glynn Hall 191 129 180 185 153 129 104
52 Sage Flores 126 106 107 131 101 106 127

Scan for Standings