2023 February Doubles Sweeper
Standings for February Doubles Sweeper

February Doubles Sweeper only game 2 sorted by total overall pins
February Doubles Sweeper 1 2 3 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Garry Fox / Justin Barnett 338 429 376 429 487
2 Michael Samick / Chris Trites 281 415 379 415 470
3t Jayvon Banks / Jamaal Reynolds 270 358 337 358 458
3t Joey Toskes / Joey Toskes Sr 342 364 347 364 458
5 Mike Whittington / Eric Parrish 322 381 353 381 449
6 Victor Florie / Dominic Pugh 462 429 380 429 448
7 Keith Algrim / Chuck Anton 357 375 389 375 447
8 William Tillery / Darius Bowles 388 352 384 352 443
9 Thomas Taylor / Eugene Taylor Sr 308 347 319 347 438
10 Power Couple 314 366 299 366 437
11 Michael Bland / Joshua Conner 300 318 259 318 430
12 Black Widow 274 281 257 281 429
13 Bring the Payne 314 326 277 326 426
14 Matthew Moore / John Coleman 255 307 268 307 424
15 Thomas Woodall / Heather Woodall 305 348 292 348 423
16t Gutterstrikes 253 295 302 295 419
16t Jason Ferguson / Scott Burchett 267 323 325 323 419
18 Patricia Bach / Mandy Ellis 312 294 317 294 418
19 Erin Williams / Ted Waldron 300 341 363 341 417
20 John Schmidt / Erik Kline 187 312 261 312 412
21t Kaitlyn Hamby / Page Taylor 369 296 265 296 408
21t Craig Koch / Kenneth Koch 219 278 263 278 408
23t Jordan Grice / Aaron Longoria 329 356 367 356 401
23t Dara Bradley / Shella Kline 253 265 248 265 401
25t Faith Hegamyer / Shane Kennedy 299 282 354 282 398
25t Team Lucky 247 267 325 267 398
25t Norman McDearmon / Tommy Le 317 325 327 325 398
28 Ron Ferguson / Teddy Kitts 280 284 308 284 397
29 Staci Thomas / Brian Dougherty 251 252 242 252 396
30 Aaron House / Curtis Martin 427 328 374 328 395
31 Joseph Stevenson III / Joseph Stevenson 369 338 384 338 391
32 John Rose / JT Collins 283 300 295 300 387
33 Tony Tuminello / Rich Ridge 350 308 341 308 383
34 Mathew Woodall / Roscoe Pretlow 419 341 378 341 381
35 Jackson Furr / Peter Robinson 311 265 321 265 380
36 Dylan Short / Skylar St.Pierre 250 266 355 266 375
37t Mark Johnson / Matthew Raugh 259 250 280 250 374
37t Josh Kitts / Bryan Harris 330 262 274 262 374
39 Aaron Rinaldi / Dan Tucker 326 284 316 284 367
40 Steven Raub / Jacob Hatfield 371 299 334 299 362
41t Deirdra Morrison / Roland Fielders Jr 295 255 273 255 360
41t Davis Taylor / Carroll Taylor 319 289 296 289 360
43 Britney McGehee / Carl Martin 318 268 273 268 355
44 The Doughertys 271 249 246 249 350
45 Matthew Longoria / Derrick Longoria 342 287 333 287 339
46 Zach and the legend 225 201 280 201 332
See individual results
** A note from your tournament director:
1st place Aaron House and Curtis Martin

Scan for Standings