2019 Lane Glo Trios Side Action August
Standings for Lane Glo Trios Side Action August

Handicap Game only game 2 sorted by total overall pins
Handicap Game 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Doug Evans 236 279 280 223 279 298
2 Chad Ashley 216 246 247 153 246 278
3 Katie Newman 123 152 126 120 152 258
4t David Mcdonald 235 248 210 127 248 257
4t Sean Riccardi 247 257 234 258 257 257
4t Khaleel Thomas 202 239 234 225 239 257
7 Andrew Brooks 241 246 236 202 246 256
8 Allen King 223 223 211 231 223 253
9t Melissa Riccardi 183 227 206 212 227 245
9t Melissa Rieg 203 216 207 236 216 245
11 Don Gould 168 184 186 186 184 223
12 Thomas Morgan 121 163 203 207 163 219
13 Christine Battles 187 163 147 193 163 217
14 Nic Evans 200 180 206 205 180 215
15 Andrew Sullivan 168 191 237 226 191 210
16 Christy Araujo 104 120 162 126 120 209
17 Ashley Goyette 200 162 187 225 162 207
18 Chad Camp 210 190 208 191 190 204
19 Mike Araujo 222 189 219 215 189 199
20 TJ Laflamboy 159 172 192 197 172 196
21 David Flitsch 198 160 208 188 160 193
22 Gabe Tosella 204 151 197 196 151 174

Scan for Standings