2020 Lane Glo New Years Day Sweeper 2020
Standings for Lane Glo New Years Day Sweeper 2020

Handicap Singles only game 2 sorted by total overall pins
Handicap Singles 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Mike Scarfia 185 264 236 204 196 264 283 $600.00
2 John Moore 220 245 136 184 209 245 268 $400.00
3 Darryl Dempsey 214 267 267 216 203 267 267 $250.00
4 Allen Schmidt 249 255 205 268 202 255 265 $200.00
5 Connor Garvey 202 244 173 181 167 244 261 $180.00
6 Ramos Williams 216 249 289 194 234 249 256 $160.00
7t Chelsea Mudd 164 215 204 177 188 215 254 $130.00
7t James Saunders 175 227 200 168 193 227 254 $130.00
9 Jammie Corson 151 198 154 247 160 198 252 $100.00
10 Mark Every 246 248 175 237 233 248 248 $80.00
11 Clayton Hatmaker 201 233 218 170 181 233 247 $60.00
12t Jacob Agne 235 246 224 192 289 246 246 1
12t Tyler Shingle 196 246 258 227 207 246 246 1
14t Derek Roseberry 238 245 252 290 277 245 245 2
14t Tony Brooks 183 245 228 235 235 245 245 2
16 Howard Snyder 211 243 217 222 209 243 243 4
17 Chad Camp 223 235 133 192 170 235 240 7
18 Justin Paxton 202 239 201 176 267 239 239 8
19 Adarius Brown 195 203 191 181 205 203 238 9
20 Bailey Purcell 213 234 221 225 255 234 234 13
21 Larry Burns 164 218 228 210 196 218 229 18
22 Tony Hoang 186 203 207 224 183 203 228 19
23 Brian Teuchtler 227 226 189 213 231 226 226 21
24 Howard Fournier 182 197 165 184 266 197 224 23
25t Tony Corson 156 210 235 246 174 210 223 24
25t Hau Nguyen 138 196 200 219 159 196 223 24
27 Nick Evans 232 196 206 237 206 196 222 25
28 Rich Laudadio 203 212 226 224 204 212 221 26
29t Ricky Stephens 207 207 242 216 161 207 219 28
29t Tyler Lillo 212 212 186 173 192 212 219 28
31 Cindy Goyette 160 174 160 142 146 174 217 30
32t Toby Moreno 191 197 244 190 245 197 216 31
32t Ashley Goyette 201 182 192 149 178 182 216 31
32t TJ Laflamboy 220 207 223 172 196 207 216 31
35t Jeff Roberson 204 212 226 191 228 212 215 32
35t Anthony Gervato 213 186 200 203 151 186 215 32
37 Christoper Smith 278 207 191 209 211 207 210 37
38 Shantevia Woodson 204 173 201 257 278 173 209 38
39t Scott Curran 201 203 160 185 154 203 207 40
39t Scott Leighly 179 183 212 255 194 183 207 40
39t Jason Scanga 222 200 157 244 210 200 207 40
42 Ian Fournier 223 191 245 175 202 191 206 41
43 Christina Raulerson 136 148 157 190 145 148 202 45
44 Justin Mages 172 162 180 166 134 162 201 46
45 Lou Alessi 226 200 235 213 204 200 200 47
46t Max St. Hilaire 206 180 178 288 1 180 198 49
46t James Thomas 179 192 149 184 154 192 198 49
48 Alex Piekarz 174 179 192 256 223 179 195 52
49 Ian Nieuwendaal - Y 258 183 190 243 168 183 191 56
50 Kayla Delong 169 159 182 228 217 159 190 57
51 Jay Olsen 191 187 203 215 258 187 187 60
52 Dave St. Hilaire 159 132 146 132 146 132 186 61
53 Kris Yaklin 236 185 201 266 237 185 185 62
54 Anthony Corson Jr 256 164 187 235 177 164 183 64
55 Khaleel Thomas 189 173 180 236 144 173 182 65
56 Christopher Bailey 171 139 145 232 176 139 180 67
57 Lorenzo Newson 129 151 212 151 181 151 176 71

Scan for Standings