2021 GF Doubles Sport Week7
Standings for GF Doubles Sport Week7

Doubles only game 3 sorted by scratch
Doubles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Richard Crawley / Don Davis 426 416 406 337 406 432 $400.00
2 Chelsea Hartigan / Chris Forrester 324 411 396 314 396 425 $200.00
3 Anthony Richmond / Jada Horne 401 363 388 350 388 398 $125.00
4 Donnie Wilson / Corey Lewis 358 364 374 324 374 393 $100.00
5 Charles Carbins Jr / Jimmy Gross 370 348 369 322 369 390 $80.00
6 Ross Jenner / Carl Williams 382 376 363 399 363 363 $60.00
7 Clay Hardgrow / Russ Wheeler 337 338 362 306 362 393
8 Zach Zaste / Brian Kramer 360 412 361 392 361 361 32
9 Louis Martin / Danny Schubert 366 288 359 319 359 388 5
10 John Snyder / Hervelle Williams 417 300 344 343 344 386 7
11 Michael Williams / Kari Williams 319 287 335 243 335 389 4
12 Arnitra Boatwright / Barbaralette Davis 309 336 334 314 334 425 -32
13 Bob Douglas / Sanitita Brown 352 316 323 245 323 392 1
14 Sarah Olsen / Tim Daniel 366 307 319 362 319 421 -28
15 Malvin Parker / Mei Miller 336 342 309 347 309 357 36
16 Brian Brookins / Bradley Brookins 287 330 308 324 308 342 51
17 Kelly Evertt / Hunter Agner 290 381 294 359 294 370 23
18 Morgan Holliman / Warren Clay 286 325 287 306 287 354 39
19 James Anthony Jr / Latasha Peeples 322 331 287 357 287 343 50
20 Edward Pearson / Emily Williams 267 374 268 287 268 351 42
21 Vante Hamer / Binh Nguyen 331 236 253 329 253 321 72
22 Steve Andrews / Troy Guidry 242 216 239 232 239 314 79
23 Percy Bradley / Kedron Logan 274 302 238 325 238 293 100
24 Michael Dailey / Harry Dailey 257 277 235 249 235 303 90
See individual results

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