2022 Thanksgiving No Tap Doubles
Standings for Thanksgiving No Tap Doubles

Thanksgiving No Tap Dbls only game 3 sorted by total overall pins
Thanksgiving No Tap Dbls 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Bob Bridgewater / Mike Conwell 362 360 467 314 467 499 $392.00
2 Gary Coleman / Jay Grayless 326 387 495 482 495 495 4 $200.00
3 Dave Watkins Jr / Steven Shackelford 324 322 458 354 458 482 17 $100.00
4 Robert Stevens / Paul Stone 418 488 457 455 457 457 42 $80.00
5 John Barbour / Reese Sutton 329 355 420 317 420 451 48 $60.00
6 Tanner Horton / Brian Hudson 351 466 450 391 450 450 49 1
7 Terry Troxel / Skyler Shelton 382 345 448 326 448 448 51 3
8 Jamie Bicking / Scott Bicking 337 409 408 472 408 446 53 5
9 David Hayes / AIden Fellows 432 432 444 456 444 444 55 7
10 Dave Watkins St / Pam Watkins 318 318 375 357 375 440 59 11
11 Nicholos Hamilton / Kolin Cox 273 321 367 393 367 412 87 39
12 Steve WIlson / Eddie Weise 296 302 341 272 341 405 94 46
13 Gavin 1 / Christine 1 321 377 326 342 326 401 98 50
14 Missie Compton / Rodney Compton 317 306 374 436 374 387 112 64
15 Amber Moy / Scott Auler 287 308 318 308 318 386 113 65
16 Tyler Bridgewater / Travis Bridgewater 319 381 381 284 381 381 118 70
17 Wade Sons / Isiah Sons 342 431 371 364 371 379 120 72
18 Fisher Anya / Melissa Troxel 362 369 354 321 354 377 122 74
19 Aydone Sutton / Brady Sutton 293 255 328 358 328 376 123 75
20 John Phillips / Leonard Cornelius 324 289 363 343 363 373 126 78
21 Lisa Lang / Steve Lang 380 328 361 316 361 371 128 80
22 Elijah Lewis / Garrison Taladay 390 356 369 322 369 369 130 82
23 Nick WIlliams / TJ Dressler 399 382 362 336 362 362 137 89
24 Taylor Stone / Jordan Stone 451 516 334 391 334 361 138 90
25 Rene Perry / Eli Perry 340 289 294 287 294 355 144 96
26t Austin Lofton / Laney Lofton 331 424 351 380 351 354 145 97
26t Kevin Critchfiield / Nick Critchfield 310 329 324 317 324 354 145 97
28 Steven Wright / Brian Dobrowlski 295 360 317 295 317 345 154 106
29 Zane Schauber / Joey Price 492 377 340 352 340 340 159 111
30 Charles Collins / Scott Booth 325 342 285 327 285 327 172 124
31 DJ Drebenstedt / Elijah Fullford 437 372 321 388 321 321 178 130
32 Mandy WIlkins / Matt Wilkins 411 352 305 499 305 305 194 146
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