2023 January 2023 Senior Sweeper
Standings for January 2023 Senior Sweeper

Senior Sweeper only game 3
Senior Sweeper 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Chuck Parker 159 268 258 224 197 202 258 275
2 John McWilliams 166 177 245 181 254 192 245 252 23
3 Guy Johnson 209 208 246 180 183 225 246 251 24
4 Rodney Compton 263 252 246 268 233 237 246 246 29
5 Steve Wilson 174 149 183 176 191 178 183 224 51
6 Harold Costello 244 247 212 224 171 213 212 216 59 8
7 Steve Lang 204 198 209 192 246 201 209 209 66 15
8 Ron Webb 232 190 186 182 225 194 186 206 69 18
9 Rick Davis 185 197 181 164 161 170 181 205 70 19
10t John Magill 173 208 170 204 196 191 170 192 83 32
10t Dave Paulin 204 167 160 193 187 200 160 192 83 32
12 Ron Dominguez 186 178 182 204 244 178 182 190 85 34
13 Kelly Dominguez 178 147 122 125 146 137 122 188 87 36
14 Dan Moreland 153 208 177 159 201 221 177 185 90 39
15 Byron Miller 288 263 179 240 206 218 179 179 96 45
16 Bryan Sanders 147 132 140 179 190 156 140 159 116 65

Scan for Standings