2020 July - Senior 4 Gamer
Standings for July - Senior 4 Gamer

Senior. HDCP Tourny only game 3 sorted by scratch
Senior. HDCP Tourny 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead
1 Willard Butler 179 162 289 231 289 312
2 Jay Rucker 130 177 248 196 248 259 53
3 Raymond St. Sauveur 224 216 242 268 242 246 66
4 Mike Sotor 193 258 237 156 237 260 52
5 Kevin Halesworth 147 191 234 157 234 288 24
6 Mike Quirk 154 210 231 228 231 267 45
7 Gary Seitz 203 183 222 162 222 250 62
8t Craig Auerbach 245 257 217 213 217 227 85
8t Scott Cooper 203 187 217 227 217 227 85
10 Patti Cooper 194 241 215 205 215 264 48
11 Greg Lindsay 187 180 214 181 214 232 80
12 Gary Rucker, Sr. 195 237 213 209 213 240 72
13 Paul Rosenfeld 170 214 211 237 211 234 78
14 Bobby Bryant 194 176 210 147 210 250 62
15 David Bullock 200 201 204 171 204 236 76
16 Scott Kelley 182 229 204 165 204 216 96
17 Frank Gianino 181 179 202 204 202 229 83
18 Ray Stevens 181 175 193 172 193 211 101
19 Dan Letobar 179 186 190 237 190 207 105
20 Buster Rucker 188 188 189 204 189 241 71
21 Mike Varda 141 167 188 176 188 223 89
22 Marc Prothero 160 192 188 147 188 216 96
23 Denise Morell 136 152 186 193 186 256 56
24 Joey Lasick 182 179 185 208 185 228 84
25 Dave Covington 259 226 184 258 184 190 122
26 David Bellanca 201 225 182 215 182 193 119
27 Bill Calvert 212 189 180 228 180 220 92
28 Melanie Ortega 239 200 179 189 179 228 84
29 Joe Ponzio 217 214 172 238 172 190 122
30 Rafael Hernandez 188 170 170 161 170 230 82
31 John Bercier 236 257 168 202 168 202 110
32 Eric Spivey 169 144 166 154 166 221 91
33 Ron Johnson 201 173 165 160 165 213 99
34 TJ Williams 129 212 165 187 165 207 105
35 Tim Tynski 113 135 163 156 163 233 79
36 Brian Sullivan 269 217 163 192 163 174 138
37 Michele Benza 199 190 162 171 162 211 101
38 Jim Porter 195 227 162 189 162 176 136
39 Ellen Taibi 158 194 159 165 159 227 85
40 Nancy Walker 125 110 158 161 158 228 84
41 Dee Paolasso 169 150 128 137 128 198 114
42 Leo Ortega 116 152 123 155 123 184 128
43 Roland Morell 116 149 107 111 107 176 136
44 Andrew Kraft 178 150 104 146 104 127 185

Scan for Standings