2021 April Singles
Standings for April Singles

Doubles Handicap only game 4 sorted by scratch
Doubles Handicap 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Kyle Sheffield / Nic Evans 436 335 361 472 368 472 557 $70.00
2 Ashlee Tobias / Kyle Sheffield 335 267 326 370 280 370 520 $40.00
3 Steve Warren / Malvin Moreno 323 290 322 338 340 338 423 97
4 Crystal Morgan / Henry Morgan 286 253 240 328 282 328 471 49
5 Kenneth Kruschke / Johnny Jennings 371 354 348 325 397 325 379 141
6 Craig Brashier / Bryan Gillespie 364 366 332 311 293 311 410 110
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