2019 Lane Glo Singles Oct
Standings for Lane Glo Singles Oct

Doubles only game 4 sorted by total overall pins
Doubles 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Luke Wright / Mike Regan 393 360 319 438 360 438 528 $90.00
2 David Flitsch / Mike Regan 456 408 316 446 420 446 505 $50.00
3 Lenny Biondi / Tony Biondi 374 500 384 484 426 484 497 8
4 Adarius Brown / Christopher Bailey 300 370 380 418 356 418 495 10
5 Khaleel Thomas / James Thomas 432 442 495 437 496 437 491 14
6t Jason Zook / Jimmy Hadley 404 359 389 435 528 435 489 16
6t Miguel Feliz / Joe Newman 439 387 422 447 433 447 489 16
8 Marchelle King / Allen King 392 371 437 423 387 423 486 19
9 Mike Kay / Joseph Kubilus 344 367 368 379 371 379 464 41
10 Deborah Ponsart / Melissa Toczylowski 284 291 336 342 345 342 447 58
11 Khaleel Thomas / Jason Zook 453 435 393 417 497 417 446 59
12 Shantevia Woodson / Christopher Bailey 300 341 396 360 412 360 445 60
13 Ashley Goyette / Tony Biondi 339 463 369 394 406 394 435 70
14 Adarius Brown / Shantevia Woodson 316 359 356 374 396 374 422 83
15 Donny Lyons / Stephen Allan 332 363 359 305 394 305 374 131
16 Christopher Smith / Chris Murawski 430 426 423 355 476 355 369 136
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