2021 Ladies 5 - Gamer
Standings for Ladies 5 - Gamer

Blind Doubles Handicap sorted by scratch
Blind Doubles Handicap 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1t Kaidee Sutphin / Pamela Watson 403 317 398 377 409 1904 2189
1t Daniela Ramirez / Michelle Serowchak 398 363 371 344 373 1849 2189
3 Alexandra Hernandez / Carole Jones 406 314 337 400 366 1823 2153
4 Kaidee Sutphin / Vanessa Rivera 391 323 363 364 377 1818 2083
5 Latanya Thompson / Alyssa Ferraro 392 375 301 391 355 1814 2149
6 Victoria Fitzgerald / Maria Sutphin 416 293 354 387 361 1811 2091
7 Michele Collins / Daniela Ramirez 417 267 402 326 388 1800 2300
8 Carole Jones / Maria Sutphin 346 277 370 392 396 1781 2101
9 Jennifer Serowchak / Pamela Watson 360 324 355 350 391 1780 2320
10 Latanya Thompson / Vanessa Rivera 348 350 294 360 355 1707 2122
11 Alyssa Ferraro / Almary Lopez 371 343 309 325 343 1691 2226
12 Latanya Thompson / Jennifer Serowchak 336 348 290 361 334 1669 2274
13 Marissa Reagan / Victoria Fitzgerald 354 281 320 324 283 1562 2212
14 Latanya Thompson / Almary Lopez 315 336 272 318 318 1559 2259
15 Marissa Reagan / Michelle Serowchak 274 320 303 305 297 1499 2139
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