HDCP 4 GAMER sorted by total overall pins
HDCP 4 GAMER 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Tony Trinidad 235 233 219 252 939 1071 $215.00
2 Jabre Smith 268 279 206 219 972 1044 27 $170.00
3 Bruce Kaizer 225 236 222 255 938 1042 29 $150.00
4t Alanna Thompson 245 222 194 172 833 1037 34 $117.50
4t Jamal Kahok 237 262 245 185 929 1037 34 $117.50
6 Roy Parris 256 213 197 214 880 1024 47 $95.00
7 Jesse Komorny 204 140 256 223 823 1023 48 $80.00
8 Allin Williams 209 160 204 188 761 1013 58 $65.00
9 Rob Theurer 199 212 205 220 836 1012 59 $50.00
10 Rocky Milot Jr 205 195 193 265 858 1006 65 $45.00
11 Marcia Tovar 236 205 190 200 831 1003 68 $40.00
12 Scott Kelley 244 215 257 193 909 997 74 $35.00
13 Travis Weinstock 210 215 200 256 881 993 78 4
14 Rodney Bubar 207 172 238 171 788 988 83 9
15 Ryan Johnson 236 206 224 246 912 980 91 17
16 Alex Tovar 256 162 191 237 846 970 101 27
17t Dave Covington 227 238 245 244 954 966 105 31
17t Pablo Adorno 176 217 179 214 786 966 105 31
19 John Smith II 211 172 204 182 769 965 106 32
20 Chris Raybuck 181 143 226 175 725 961 110 36
21 Ellen Taibi 172 145 180 185 682 958 113 39
22t Terrie Weisse 174 165 174 145 658 950 121 47
22t Rich Oliveira 218 195 299 238 950 950 121 47
24 Matthew Estevez 169 154 161 245 729 941 130 56
25 Ron Johnson 174 196 215 189 774 938 133 59
26 Greg Lindsay 204 178 227 244 853 937 134 60
27 Jerry Goulding 141 198 189 202 730 934 137 63
28t Lauren Carnduff 93 132 130 157 512 932 139 65
28t Gabriel Hernandez-Roa 226 236 212 162 836 932 139 65
30 Patrick Chervoni 171 196 212 189 768 928 143 69
31 Corissa Robson 186 226 206 220 838 926 145 71
32 Michael Hurst 158 158 204 144 664 920 151 77
33t Robert Eddy 193 159 191 194 737 917 154 80
33t Raymond St. Sauveur 217 245 231 196 889 917 154 80
33t Jason Farmer 122 119 92 72 405 917 154 80
36 Sid Palmer 221 217 177 236 851 911 160 86
37 Frankie Fry 162 224 184 159 729 909 162 88
38 Randy Thomas 258 210 181 178 827 907 164 90
39 Robert Moore 160 166 178 201 705 905 166 92
40 MARCEL JONES 191 179 215 174 759 903 168 94
41t Barry Seitz 189 192 187 208 776 896 175 101
41t Gary Seitz 159 174 233 194 760 896 175 101
41t Scott Dennis 235 180 173 248 836 896 175 101
44 Andrew Kraft 171 152 211 171 705 889 182 108
45t Robert McCrumb 133 205 178 159 675 883 188 114
45t Ryan Klootwyk 131 212 125 167 635 883 188 114
47 Randy Emmett 217 168 183 135 703 875 196 122
48 Marquilla James 225 178 168 175 746 870 201 127
49 Steven Tomaselli 147 144 168 173 632 864 207 133
50 Genesis Rodriguez 99 86 129 106 420 852 219 145
51 Jaimie Thompson 163 130 183 181 657 837 234 160
52 Matt Duncan 173 150 215 161 699 835 236 162
53 Frank Mulrine, Jr 154 203 192 172 721 821 250 176
54 Quaheem Kapinski 112 161 145 168 586 802 269 195
55 Albie Alguadich, Sr 182 157 123 137 599 795 276 202
56 Eileen Contbebas 175 146 159 179 659 659 412 338
57 Chris Guieysse 109 138 116 85 448 448 623 549
58 Paul Goliot 66 101 128 89 384 384 687 613
59 Matheo Guieysse 104 85 89 96 374 374 697 623

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