2021 Sweeper 7/15
Standings for Sweeper 7/15

Summer Sweeper 7/15 sorted by total overall pins
Summer Sweeper 7/15 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Crystal Sparks 162 125 129 147 563 823
2 Donna Tito 137 118 147 152 554 786 37
3 Ben McDannald 178 236 152 181 747 751 72 35
4 Keptola O'Neal 137 120 126 109 492 744 79 42
5 Taylor Tommy 140 183 133 154 610 714 109 72
6 Chandler Tisdale 194 191 169 155 709 709 114 77
7 Andrew Burns 162 159 127 169 617 689 134 97
8 Eddie Sparks 160 121 169 171 621 653 170 133

Scan for Standings