2022 LG Monthly Doubles - January 2022
Standings for LG Monthly Doubles - January 2022

Handicap Doubles sorted by scratch
Handicap Doubles 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Derek Roseberry / Jimmy Hutchinson 458 506 462 548 451 2425 2425
2 Ethan Fiore / Austin Andrews 432 517 448 496 511 2404 2464
3 Bailey Allan / Stephen Allan 504 477 390 515 517 2403 2488
4 Austin Vogt / Jake House 462 504 501 447 439 2353 2403
5 Jeremy Barile / Jarrod McComas 424 501 446 439 502 2312 2317 86
6 Kelly Everett / David Stouffer 438 417 471 459 494 2279 2309 94
7 Joe Brannon / Greg Blankenship 407 397 493 462 507 2266 2266 137
8 Mark Every / Ivan Prokopovich 484 393 463 473 449 2262 2377 26
9 Gerald Richardson / Tirus Page 424 462 427 473 467 2253 2298 105
10 Joey Flood / Anthony Russo 447 510 451 414 430 2252 2252 151
11 Krystyne Garrett / Najah Owens 442 460 481 390 445 2218 2298 105
12 Justin Paxton / Stephon Latulas 464 459 373 471 405 2172 2232 171
13 Tyler Howe / Nic Evans 417 448 403 467 435 2170 2540 -137
14 Karl Critchlow / Tanya Critchlow 467 405 455 381 451 2159 2209 194
15 Kayla Campbell / Anthony Wiegand 450 388 408 465 429 2140 2325 78
16 Brian Fitzmaurice / Jeff Roberson 466 441 439 387 378 2111 2171 232
17 Don Yoshihara / Ramos Williams 431 430 356 482 411 2110 2130 273
18 Ricardo Griffin / Reginald Hamilton 405 446 431 433 393 2108 2413 -10
19 Ralph Mejia / Matt Ivkovic 398 429 454 407 412 2100 2340 63
20 Donnie Johnson / Logan Frankenfield 444 447 391 420 383 2085 2220 183
21 Jessie Lane / Morgan Stubbe 390 504 390 409 373 2066 2436 -33
22 Danielle Lester / Nick Howard 462 398 377 368 439 2044 2254 149
23 Garrett Peremsky / Derek Suttmiller 415 367 417 459 374 2032 2142 261
24 Carlos Negron / Jacob Heinke 385 414 447 396 382 2024 2159 244
25 Richard Nicholson / Shantel Simmons 430 309 403 448 422 2012 2172 231
26 Patrick McCarthy / Daniel Doss 404 405 367 448 382 2006 2066 337
27 Colby Blum / Brian Huther 362 395 430 353 456 1996 2041 362
28 Nick Lumpkin / Johnnie Beckwith 399 399 387 348 451 1984 2144 259
29 Walter Crouch / Vernon Crouch 471 357 383 368 399 1978 2178 225
30 Andrew Bifulco / DANIEL TUCKER 406 387 411 360 404 1968 2203 200
31 Antonio Alls / Jerckara Page 379 361 371 448 408 1967 2207 196
32 Allen King / Marchelle King 406 342 371 454 393 1966 2216 187
33 Ashley Goyette / Jason Scanga 344 395 441 400 384 1964 2174 229
34 Vincent Spangle Jr. / Dave Venters 352 398 361 480 370 1961 2341 62
35 Vince McKeoun / John Warrington 431 332 401 414 377 1955 2330 73
36 Robert Greenberg / Brad Beauchamp 389 383 420 390 370 1952 1997 406
37 Candiace Hane / Tristynn Hane 379 390 374 377 424 1944 2349 54
38 Lionel Johnson / Darnell Heard 330 353 388 410 448 1929 2279 124
39 Joshua DeRosa / Josee Hale 384 376 404 385 375 1924 2129 274
40 Thomas Bosquez / William West 440 351 349 403 351 1894 2154 249
41 Jason Timlin / Gerald Timlin 406 394 427 325 342 1894 1984 419
42 Rich Laudadio / Jamee Harris 410 378 358 373 372 1891 2146 257
43 John Bell / Gene Piaskowski 373 408 351 347 397 1876 2101 302
44 Douglas Williams / Jennifer Waterman 402 353 377 336 406 1874 2204 199
45 Sharon Heard / Chris Newman 387 380 405 373 321 1866 2156 247
46 Tyler Shingle / Brittany Shingle 424 386 337 331 358 1836 2106 297
47 Eric Sewell / Brian Hane 305 433 321 390 378 1827 2137 266
48 Demetrius Ford / Iman Smith 425 369 349 382 300 1825 2140 263
49 Samantha Richards / Cory Misura 374 362 348 347 394 1825 2095 308
50 Greg Walters / Kenneth OConnell 361 356 337 379 372 1805 2345 58
51 Stephen Simon / Stefanie Simon 328 382 319 362 381 1772 2312 91
52 Lara Clevenger / Amanda Haley 355 373 308 375 349 1760 2005 398
53 Dustin Hatfield / Courtney Spears 290 351 381 387 314 1723 2118 285
54 Mark Hall / Scott Stallard 356 323 337 314 387 1717 2122 281
55 Bok-Dal Xanthaky / Diego Garcia 300 314 363 381 356 1714 2254 149
56 Trevor Ostendorf / Luke Wright 351 398 296 302 308 1655 1715 688
57 William Vicari / Rachel Vicari 316 289 336 349 357 1647 2127 276
See individual results

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