2022 ABT #7
Standings for ABT #7

ABT #7 sorted by +/-200
ABT #7 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total +/-200 From Lead From Cut
1 Matt White 181 220 181 582 582 -18
2 Cody Vincent 169 169 214 552 552 -48 30
3 Dale Johnson 179 152 214 545 563 -55 19
4 Alex Johnson 205 157 165 527 527 -73 55 36
5 Jeff Trohoske 190 168 143 501 573 -99 9 -10
6 Jim Swearingen 172 181 148 501 564 -99 18 -1
7 Dave English 166 106 219 491 584 -109 -2 -21
8 Austin Fitzgerald 166 182 142 490 538 -110 44 25
9 Troy Johnson 147 168 153 468 519 -132 63 44
10 Casey Vincent 144 159 159 462 465 -138 117 98
11 John Redfield 165 142 152 459 576 -141 6 -13
12 Paul Bobelak 139 134 167 440 536 -160 46 27
13 Al Cressley 139 134 135 408 483 -192 99 80

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