2023 Thursday Night Doubles 6/8/2023
Standings for Thursday Night Doubles 6/8/2023

TEAM BKTS sorted by scratch
TEAM BKTS 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Bledsoe Chism 451 430 455 453 1789 1901
2 Dickens Smith 487 455 409 407 1758 1950
3 Hollins Hardiman 533 416 397 387 1733 1925
4 Bullard Thomas 405 404 470 337 1616 1920
5 Perry Mosely 348 395 455 382 1580 1844
6 Higgins Hughes 346 423 359 351 1479 1735
7 Hurst Thomas 326 381 377 1084 1255
8 Hughes Starnes 318 398 299 1015 1360
9 Richardson Watkins 464 386 850 918
10 Sams Hays 378 372 750 860

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