2023 Final Snake River Bowl Summer Series #9
Standings for Final Snake River Bowl Summer Series #9

Open division sorted by scratch
Open division 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Delbert Bennett 199 255 157 611
2 Jordan Parish 180 177 251 608
3 Nick Bywater 167 228 211 606
4 Marshall Myers 186 180 233 599
5 Cody Johnson 177 181 219 577
6 Keegan Hirsch 173 187 196 556
7 Shayne Bryant 155 157 198 510
8 Anthony Meyer 162 174 167 503
9 Griffen Magee 158 159 181 498
10 Shon Bywater 153 175 157 485
11t Anthony Hall 166 172 146 484
11t Kelsie White 135 116 233 484
13 Alexia Quaintance 134 202 141 477
14 Craig Hasund 164 144 163 471
15 Teagan Uscola 146 148 137 431
16 Justin Studer 153 147 130 430
17 Riley Magee 112 118 183 413
18 Mike Van Dyke 138 146 128 412
19 Brogan Uscola 176 106 129 411

Scan for Standings