2023 Kewaunee Scratch August 2023
Standings for Kewaunee Scratch August 2023

Kewaunee Scratch Aug 2023 sorted by scratch
Kewaunee Scratch Aug 2023 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut
1 Jeremy Jackson 213 265 206 268 952
2 Braden Mallasch 194 243 235 268 940
3 Zach Singer 204 277 183 234 898
4 Rylee Schwartz 227 201 201 245 874
5 Kyle Blaine 197 244 235 191 867
6 Troy Felsinger 247 202 196 206 851
7 Dylan Shafel 212 180 178 268 838
8 Scott Voeks 194 214 166 253 827
9 Lukas Page 219 150 220 216 805
10 Landon Heldmann 164 188 223 218 793
11 Jason Funk 204 184 211 188 787
12 Charlie Heinzelman 200 167 211 203 781
13 Riley Petri-Rose 227 197 188 165 777 4
14 Brock Ihlenfeldt 179 195 219 157 750 31
15 Jason Becher 212 184 167 183 746 35
16 Carter Heldmann 153 234 187 169 743 38
17 Tom Ferry 201 160 182 194 737 44
18 Travis Piepenhagen 207 221 136 169 733 48
19 Robert Vater 195 173 171 179 718 63
20t Rick Davis 172 159 181 201 713 68
20t Geof Patefield 179 194 160 180 713 68
22 Eric O,Brien 205 139 164 186 694 87
23 Jim Delvoye Jr 184 198 145 161 688 93
24 Jay Nephew 144 167 184 192 687 94
25 Carter Wescott 140 180 179 166 665 116
26 Zella Patefield 177 174 141 148 640 141
27 David Cole 140 161 168 165 634 147
28 Robbie Pittman 218 134 127 134 613 168
29 Tyler Young 173 135 137 164 609 172
30 Trpy Herrera 124 142 138 201 605 176
31 Jessica Auld 158 115 198 129 600 181
32 Heather Boex 147 154 145 133 579 202
33 Cooper Arsenault 127 183 134 134 578 203
34 Annika Kasuboski 103 137 114 144 498 283

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