Standings for HEINZ 57 TRIO - AUGUST

HDCP Doubles sorted by scratch
HDCP Doubles 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Mark Polaski Jr / Devin Richards 499 478 446 458 451 2332 2332 $160.00
2 Mark Bumgardner / Corey Byrd 448 373 466 457 378 2122 2402 $80.00
3 Brandon Schendel / Terrie Weisse 370 476 361 434 454 2095 2415 -13
4 Ray Stevens / Grant Stebbins 363 472 410 463 374 2082 2287 115
5 Wood Tinsley / Scott Kelley 408 412 442 406 411 2079 2329 73
6 Tony Perin / Wally Johnston 385 458 437 336 404 2020 2265 137
7 Dustin Volentine / Scott Blair 402 400 437 329 410 1978 2108 294
8 Cindy Snyder / Boog Snyder 314 423 366 446 422 1971 2296 106
9 Corey Constantine / Ryan Constantine 355 392 402 376 385 1910 2210 192
10 Fred Wilson / Tony Perin 425 404 376 301 397 1903 2163 239
11 Dustin Volentine / Charlie Ferrara 450 371 366 333 359 1879 2129 273
12 Jess Atamanchuk / Wally Johnston 353 356 339 340 305 1693 2178 224
13 Crystal Tigertail / Raymond Tigertail 321 359 318 358 335 1691 2006 396
See individual results

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