2023 friday 6 gamer
Standings for friday 6 gamer

friday 6 gamer sweeper sorted by total overall pins
friday 6 gamer sweeper 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Rodney Compton 246 268 206 300 206 246 1472 1538
2 Elijah Fulford 242 233 163 216 220 256 1330 1462 76
3 Dewayne Perry 224 196 267 279 277 215 1458 1458 80
4 Aiden Fellows 224 219 247 269 259 210 1428 1428 110
5t Joey Price 245 183 209 221 255 203 1316 1346 192 82
5t Mitch Morris 217 197 184 175 188 223 1184 1346 192 82
7 David Hayes 267 225 213 198 257 179 1339 1339 199 89
8 DJ DREBENSTEDT 193 213 201 258 237 211 1313 1313 225 115
9 Clint Woods 223 236 220 162 176 233 1250 1280 258 148
10 Garrison Taladay 224 227 220 192 225 155 1243 1273 265 155
11 Johnny Mac 218 202 172 204 182 154 1132 1264 274 164
12 Tanner Horton 238 154 168 258 221 205 1244 1244 294 184
13 Scott Dillion 200 245 227 221 175 167 1235 1235 303 193
14 Adam Monroe 160 157 154 213 161 247 1092 1218 320 210
15 Tj Dressler 247 156 215 196 224 176 1214 1214 324 214
16 Brianna Rogers 182 200 200 234 197 178 1191 1191 347 237
17 Steven Wright 200 233 177 224 171 153 1158 1188 350 240
18 Kianna Sweatt 171 179 172 144 211 149 1026 1152 386 276
19 Steve Lang 237 195 150 153 169 160 1064 1076 462 352
20 Dan Moreland 186 162 168 138 157 213 1024 1072 466 356
21 Joe Jeffries 208 222 202 235 84 1 952 1042 496 386

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