2023 Metro East Men's 700 club bel air singles (1st)
Standings for Metro East Men's 700 club bel air singles (1st)

Bel Air Singles (1) 23-24 sorted by total overall pins
Bel Air Singles (1) 23-24 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total +/-200 From Lead Prize
1 Mark Hood 258 206 248 217 217 1146 1271 +146 $500.00
2 John Bogacki Jr 266 279 237 238 238 1258 1258 +258 13 $250.00
3 Robert Hammond 194 258 237 259 269 1217 1257 +217 14 $180.00
4t Jeff Snook 268 257 209 223 278 1235 1235 +235 36 $155.00
4t Shawn Bibee 269 225 248 268 225 1235 1235 +235 36 $155.00
6 Greg Look 214 235 217 223 227 1116 1221 +116 50 $125.00
7 Zach Kennedy 173 215 174 279 233 1074 1214 +74 57 $110.00
8t Justin Hale 225 255 269 221 234 1204 1204 +204 67 $91.67
8t Tom Partl Jr 224 195 248 269 268 1204 1204 +204 67 $91.67
8t Davin Mcintire 244 225 203 257 185 1114 1204 +114 67 $91.67
11 Dustin Stull 247 206 240 171 244 1108 1193 +108 78 $80.00
12 Garrett Lee 219 226 258 254 235 1192 1192 +192 79 $75.00
13 Travis Wheatley 249 178 192 245 240 1104 1189 +104 82 $70.00
14 Jeff Patterson 234 212 242 279 205 1172 1187 +172 84 $65.00
15 Christo Rice-Sanchez 268 221 213 211 247 1160 1165 +160 106 $60.00
16 Nicholas Blagojevic 277 188 258 244 195 1162 1162 +162 109 $60.00
17 Caleb Robinson 174 276 205 257 207 1119 1159 +119 112 $55.00
18 Bob Stephan 219 203 186 192 202 1002 1157 +2 114 $55.00
19 Troy Morton 225 266 217 213 205 1126 1151 +126 120 $50.00
20 Chase Rhoads 224 258 235 215 215 1147 1147 +147 124 $50.00
21t Dave Christy 188 277 169 210 197 1041 1146 +41 125 $47.50
21t Zac Lungwitz 255 215 257 187 207 1121 1146 +121 125 $47.50
23 Joe McBride 196 157 177 234 224 988 1143 -12 128 $45.00
24 Dan Winkle 225 211 219 194 232 1081 1136 +81 135
25t Scott Rugh 248 244 154 190 188 1024 1134 +24 137
25t Harry Moulton 193 191 210 252 188 1034 1134 +34 137
27 Brian Biagi 237 193 189 197 200 1016 1131 +16 140
28t Charlie Johnson 247 229 211 233 189 1109 1129 +109 142
28t Chris Ennis 199 217 258 223 232 1129 1129 +129 142
30 Matt Cleveland 200 235 275 205 211 1126 1126 +126 145
31 Rex Berkbigler 233 192 258 169 176 1028 1123 +28 148
32 Gene Bradtke 232 216 223 212 199 1082 1122 +82 149
33 Ron Anderson 265 172 188 161 180 966 1121 -34 150
34 Ronald Kaiser 180 185 204 180 225 974 1119 -26 152
35 Carl Crumer Jr 258 232 225 157 197 1069 1114 +69 157
36 Jerry Simpson III 230 171 246 192 194 1033 1113 +33 158
37t Julius Lewis III 201 192 158 202 203 956 1111 -44 160
37t Dan Jasper 216 187 188 172 193 956 1111 -44 160
39 Don Hyatt Jr 181 194 188 199 192 954 1109 -46 162
40 Sean Ferguson Sr. 206 215 205 218 178 1022 1107 +22 164
41 Eli Hay 191 225 205 201 206 1028 1103 +28 168
42t Don Hyatt 183 233 208 220 213 1057 1102 +57 169
42t Ray Lewis II 169 235 194 177 242 1017 1102 +17 169
44 Chris Keller 255 183 211 233 182 1064 1099 +64 172
45 Ramon Davis 223 224 190 160 226 1023 1098 +23 173
46t Nathan Mcdaniels 237 164 233 167 199 1000 1090 +0 181
46t Brandon Campbell 200 263 202 199 211 1075 1090 +75 181
48 Domerl Shields 166 191 213 171 192 933 1088 -67 183
49 Cody Womble 176 164 229 202 165 936 1086 -64 185
50 Mickey Lograsso 185 183 215 254 193 1030 1085 +30 186
51 Sean Ferguson Jr. 149 190 229 214 177 959 1084 -41 187
52 Major Douglas III 194 266 193 234 196 1083 1083 +83 188
53 Alex Jackson 187 172 152 216 205 932 1077 -68 194
54 Chris Smith 221 181 233 209 202 1046 1076 +46 195
55 Craig Carson 258 183 213 212 126 992 1072 -8 199
56 Ron Johnson 187 224 189 151 165 916 1071 -84 200
57 Matthew Lockhart 213 182 205 199 266 1065 1070 +65 201
58 Ryan Warner 205 234 230 149 190 1008 1063 +8 208
59 Adam Noll 200 251 174 178 182 985 1060 -15 211
60t Austin Kasperzick 197 205 171 192 204 969 1059 -31 212
60t Mike Wilson 200 158 199 209 188 954 1059 -46 212
62 Garrett Sims 207 179 200 200 188 974 1054 -26 217
63 Joe Solano 175 205 193 163 157 893 1048 -107 223
64t Dave Unger 178 214 155 193 225 965 1045 -35 226
64t Josh Mcclain 270 181 170 242 177 1040 1045 +40 226
66 Cole Reeves 173 210 167 187 169 906 1041 -94 230
67 Russel Choat 199 211 210 209 155 984 1039 -16 232
68 Ben Asher 243 154 227 183 147 954 1034 -46 237
69t Myron Tyus 201 170 202 177 141 891 1031 -109 240
69t Mortz Davis 238 186 152 188 167 931 1031 -69 240
69t Josh Lara 202 168 182 209 180 941 1031 -59 240
72 Ethan Kleine 238 150 160 223 203 974 1029 -26 242
73 John Mcgarry 201 168 203 176 191 939 1024 -61 247
74 John Osborne 170 205 186 178 176 915 1020 -85 251
75t Scott File 198 194 180 146 168 886 1016 -114 255
75t Tracy Smith 193 167 198 201 257 1016 1016 +16 255
77 Aaron Goebel 236 167 157 184 204 948 1008 -52 263
78 Ron Hollis 193 182 194 183 215 967 1007 -33 264
79 Tony Ostendorf 203 215 167 167 189 941 1006 -59 265
80 Joe Kasperzick 192 158 249 175 171 945 1000 -55 271
81 Terry Guyer 197 166 179 182 140 864 999 -136 272
82t Keith Howard 197 178 175 153 220 923 998 -77 273
82t Jim Loesche Jr 201 169 171 218 184 943 998 -57 273
84 Brandt Khounsana 176 211 231 172 177 967 997 -33 274
85t Mason Foley 192 201 151 211 173 928 988 -72 283
85t Wes Smith 166 186 233 145 148 878 988 -122 283
87 Don Cooper 184 168 176 159 219 906 981 -94 290
88 Jack Goepfert 165 186 152 147 207 857 977 -143 294
89 Darrin Symonds 190 190 217 184 149 930 975 -70 296
90 Fred Robinson 196 192 148 147 128 811 966 -189 305
91 Robert Jackson 179 174 211 202 191 957 957 -43 314
92 Barry Missey 167 151 190 190 171 869 954 -131 317
93 Dave Gummersheimer 182 194 192 184 177 929 949 -71 322
94 Dennis Schmitz 227 217 201 204 0 849 929 -151 342
95 Chuck Frick 159 184 160 197 174 874 874 -126 397

Scan for Standings