2023 Maple Leafs Scratch Sport Shot
Standings for Maple Leafs Scratch Sport Shot

Maple Leafs Scratch Sport sorted by scratch
Maple Leafs Scratch Sport 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Mason Griffin 178 201 223 167 769
2 EMMANUEL GUEVARA II 203 176 180 202 761
3 Garrison Vaughn 183 171 191 195 740
4 Isaiah Jackson (Y) 145 217 202 159 723
5t Nick Hart 189 145 200 188 722
5t CARLY RHODES 180 161 234 147 722
7 ETHAN GRANT 175 177 158 179 689
8 JAIDEN SKIERS 166 192 186 126 670
9 Gino Zito 176 146 184 156 662
10 Jack Jerichow 181 189 141 114 625
11 Barrett McCorkle 176 146 133 140 595
12 Caleb White 162 130 131 170 593
13 Luca Barolo 150 159 154 119 582
14 Christina Tamney 119 148 146 122 535
15 Mason McElvany 105 150 143 132 530
** A note from your tournament director:
Results of the Stepladder finals: 1st Place- Garrison Vaughan 2nd Place- Mason Griffin 3rd Place- Emmanuel Guevara

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