2023 9 Pin Timberlodge 10/11
Standings for 9 Pin Timberlodge 10/11

9 Pin sorted by total overall pins
9 Pin 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Jonathan Mcmahon 266 300 300 866 866
2 Jeff Smith 300 266 264 830 830
3 Violet Shirey 133 207 214 554 725
4 Ernie Faulkner 244 245 228 717 717
5 Carolyn Burris 237 137 186 560 674
6 Jeremy Moore 138 135 147 420 654
7 Steve Corker 212 172 238 622 652
8 Jake Stevens 184 153 203 540 639
9 Ben Novak 135 114 126 375 558

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