2023 Monday Night league
Standings for Monday Night league

Monday night brackets sorted by total overall pins
Monday night brackets 1 2 3 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Michael Murphy / Vince Mcdonald / Phill Murphy / Keith Carthen 340 333 673 843
2 Karla Murphy / Chloe Murphy / Janet Carthen / Pam Murphy 258 214 472 792
3 Robert Ward / Lacey Lieto / Julian Mesa / Art Bailon 158 224 167 549 759
4 Danie D / Mike Knight / Rob Yongue / Cheryl Rice 179 193 149 521 737
5 Cohen Moreno / Emma Walantus / Katerina Kushla / Ricky Lugo 129 114 243 403
6 Jil Gaines / Tieler Robinson / Daniel Lewis / Kenny Gaines 123 95 218 378
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