2023 Youth Heart of Tennessee
Standings for Youth Heart of Tennessee

Heart of TN Youth sorted by total overall pins
Heart of TN Youth 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Braxton Dedmon* 205 300 268 773 842
2 Braxton Dedmon* 257 204 236 697 766
3 James Peters* 236 188 200 624 759
4 A.J Schultz* 234 198 164 596 737
5 Will Smith* 208 279 224 711 711
6 Izzy Graves* 222 188 160 570 702
7 Isaac Craig* 179 171 130 480 687
8 Josh Morgan* 191 190 256 637 682
9 A.J McCoy* 231 186 237 654 654
10 Jase Bolden* 143 158 133 434 644
11 Preston Street* 185 146 211 542 635
12 Sam Parrish* 180 245 181 606 633
13 Lizzie Jones* 205 154 171 530 623
14 Samuel Parrish* 187 188 178 553 580
15 Westyn Griffin* 167 158 170 495 549

Scan for Standings