2023 Youth Heart of Tennessee
Standings for Youth Heart of Tennessee

Heart of TN Youth sorted by scratch
Heart of TN Youth 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Caleb Bresnahan* 206 211 135 552 687
2 Javan Jones* 125 190 232 547 655
3 Gavin Gagnon* 222 180 129 531 618
4 Nate Gower* 178 147 151 476 695
5 Zachariah Mclean* 127 166 168 461 527
6 Gaige Conry 171 123 148 442 691
7 Erik Martin* 145 152 134 431 608
8 Sophie Burns* 136 152 136 424 742
9 Alex Burns* 86 170 119 375 681
10 Gaige Conry* 98 133 130 361 610
11 Gabby Burns* 99 113 99 311 653
12 Isabella Medina* 93 69 102 264 588

Scan for Standings