Sims Tournament sorted by scratch
Sims Tournament 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut Prize
1 Stephen DeLong 236 220 237 237 216 1146
2 Michael Weyl 239 207 234 209 224 1113
3 Christian Mouton 200 164 233 279 213 1089
4 Nick Howard 175 214 238 224 235 1086
5 Austin Vogt 200 223 217 212 233 1085
6 Tom Hankey 234 183 207 222 219 1065 20 $100.00
7 Sarah Westcott 222 234 215 212 181 1064 21 $80.00
8 Andres Molinary 206 213 204 216 221 1060 25 $60.00
9 Christian Liquori 191 209 203 213 228 1044 41
10 Nick Larsen 201 190 248 163 234 1036 49
11 Ameleto Monacelli 191 183 170 235 254 1033 52
12t Emmanuel Guevara 174 241 200 212 183 1010 75
12t Daniel Brooks 212 178 216 203 201 1010 75
14 Theo Cox 126 274 214 177 218 1009 76
15 Ethan Fiore 232 176 178 236 165 987 98
16 Josh Hall 173 171 213 189 237 983 102
17 Michael Daughtery 214 227 146 182 213 982 103
18 Ashley Morrow 214 222 216 170 157 979 106
19 Patrick McCarthy 187 204 224 166 177 958 127
20 Sydney Brummett 188 235 180 180 170 953 132
21 Lonnie Jones 165 180 190 197 208 940 145
22 Quentin Alexander 210 179 180 156 214 939 146
23 Anden Zupancic 162 187 200 172 214 935 150
24 Jerad Christenson 158 233 159 218 157 925 160
25 Michael Reich 147 232 190 209 144 922 163
26 Ryan Williama 154 210 192 179 185 920 165
27 Nic Nagel 224 120 180 182 188 894 191
28 Alfonso Rivera 161 162 221 175 169 888 197
29 Trey O'Shields 185 209 159 177 153 883 202
30 Aidan Mercer 196 141 160 194 188 879 206
31 Payne Fakler 151 185 199 174 168 877 208
32 Lenny Solt 172 166 177 136 222 873 212
33t Gino Zito 187 170 140 169 201 867 218
33t Alex Piekarz 155 185 170 204 153 867 218
35 David Pichardo 181 186 168 157 161 853 232
36 Jake House 170 157 180 150 139 796 289
37 Danny Berardi 148 132 157 177 155 769 316
38 Ron Fox 203 153 162 138 111 767 318
39 Taylor Mulock 165 170 130 158 128 751 334
40 Christine Dean 160 174 142 141 127 744 341
41 Tyrel Rice 148 129 125 197 0 599 486

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