2023 CNS Open
Standings for CNS Open

Qualifying_B sorted by scratch
Qualifying_B 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut
1 Larry Earley 267 213 194 674
2 Justin Marler 215 222 200 637
3 Ryan Jackson 191 224 215 630
4 Kenneth Davis 225 213 183 621
5 Jashur Winski 225 213 176 614
6 Mike Nelli 180 181 233 594
7 Ricky Whitton 221 201 170 592
8 Emerie Phelps 194 171 225 590
9 Brian Butcher 180 212 190 582
10 Jason Montgomery 206 212 157 575
11 Gavin Keating 176 199 187 562
12 Mike Jones 179 187 194 560
13 Pat Phelps 194 204 152 550 10
14 Mary Ann Cunningham 206 172 168 546 14
15 Tom Feraco 180 193 164 537 23
16 Erin Whitton 174 181 179 534 26
17 Chris Gibson 182 183 160 525 35
18 Gary Ferguson 163 171 188 522 38
19 Efrain Villafane 149 154 212 515 45
20 Nick Foreman 172 183 158 513 47
21 Robert Kelley 156 181 172 509 51
22 Brett Hart 141 175 146 462 98
23 Ginger Newman 137 126 182 445 115
24 Joshua Mouton 144 136 129 409 151

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