2024 3rd Annual Summer Bakerstyle Doubles Tournament
Standings for 3rd Annual Summer Bakerstyle Doubles Tournament

Bakerstyle Doubles sorted by scratch
Bakerstyle Doubles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Terry Moore / Shaq Strong 243 269 256 248 1016 1092
2 Scott Culp / Michael K Johnson 244 277 219 238 978 1034
3 Geoff Harloff / Michael K Johnson 253 245 237 213 948 1012
4 Josh Shoemaker / Dan Keenan 201 234 276 222 933 969
5 Dan Keenan / Josh Shoemaker 259 189 246 226 920 956
6 Rob Gustke / Dan Robinson 212 201 268 229 910 938
7 Brandon Warfield / Dykeata Newby 232 256 194 226 908 1056
8 Dykeata Newby / James Geedy 244 246 204 210 904 1024
9 Rob Gustke / Dan Robinson 245 218 190 250 903 931
10 Terry Mclamore / Lamont Walters 216 214 263 196 889 937
11 Dykeata Newby / Moe Jones 246 257 205 172 880 1028
12 Shawn Brown / Randy Miller 205 223 218 222 868 912
13 Bre Walker / Shanika Thomas 218 194 245 209 866 1070
14t Bre Walker / Lamont Walters 224 225 208 207 864 1004
14t Shaq Strong / Bre Walker 209 189 226 236 860 1004
16 Shawn Brown / Rodney Beason 237 238 182 202 859 939
17 Owen Tu / Jason Cao 192 222 188 247 849 849
18 Earnest Brown / Shaq Strong 216 235 225 171 847 935
19 Brandon Warfield / Sue Strait 182 232 162 270 846 966
20 Recco Jewell / Shawn Brown 187 204 224 221 836 868
21 James Geedy / David Yost 256 221 183 174 834 990
22 Pam Walker / Lamont Walters 193 167 257 217 834 978
23 Shawn Brown / Chaise Williams 200 196 188 247 831 931
24 Robert Eckman / Matthew Carlin 182 177 248 224 831 919
25 Shanika Thomas / Chad Reynolds 232 200 198 193 823 999
26 Richard Wasmuth / Brandon Warfield 210 180 195 237 822 954
27 Shanika Thomas / James Geedy 258 169 227 167 821 953
28 Travis Weems / Rory Weems 212 226 199 183 820 972
29 Bre Walker / Ant Johns 202 201 224 192 819 939
30 Rodney Beason / James Geedy 198 219 209 191 817 901
31 Jaharie James / Rodney Beason 182 225 221 187 815 951
32 Travontae Marshall / Dykeata Newby 202 202 222 189 815 947
33 Pam Walker / Milt Walker 187 192 229 205 813 969
34 Jaharie James / Sue Strait 156 217 216 224 813 957
35 Brandon Warfield / Rodney Beason 201 216 176 215 808 920
36 Terry Moore / James Geedy 220 214 192 182 808 876
37 Chaise Williams / Bre Walker 237 193 197 180 807 983
38 Shaq Strong / Lamont Walters 188 173 233 212 806 882
39 Terry Moore / Cedric Tanksley 212 197 133 262 804 904
40 Felton Gray / Shaq Strong 223 223 169 189 804 880
41 Earnest Brown / Recco Jewell 233 200 200 168 801 853
42 Joshua Dingman / Scott Dingman 232 167 201 201 801 821
43 Earnest Brown / Brandon Warfield 170 211 211 204 796 904
44 Brandon Warfield / Amanda Fogarty 172 216 195 211 794 950
45 Chaise Williams / Bre Walker 183 235 205 170 793 969
46 Rodney Beason / Shanika Thomas 155 192 219 227 793 945
47 Rodney Beason / Shanika Thomas 180 192 210 209 791 943
48 Shadero Frost / Shaq Strong 193 189 202 206 790 954
49 Kevin Bull / Susan Koch 143 219 148 278 788 988
50 Mike Naughton / Jose Morales 187 205 208 184 784 940
51 Chaise Williams / Shawn Brown 201 180 214 186 781 881
52 Shaq Strong / Shawn Brown 233 175 146 218 772 840
53 Shanita Barclay / Larry Marshall 234 150 203 184 771 911
54 Shawn Brown / Chaise Williams 171 191 193 213 768 868
55 Brandon Warfield / Cedrick Tanksley 233 172 179 183 767 891
56 Sue Strait / Rob Gustke 244 179 182 157 762 850
57 Terry Moore / Lamont Walters 216 168 162 216 762 834
58 Andre Howell / Terry Moore 199 213 164 185 761 857
59 Julie Richmond / Tony Rebis 194 227 175 164 760 816
60 Shawn Brown / Chaise Williams 152 205 165 236 758 858
61 Sue Strait / Geoff Harloff 197 170 201 185 753 821
62 Brandon Warfield / Kenny Sanders 158 222 176 193 749 881
63 Brandon Warfield / Amanda Fogarty 243 157 146 202 748 904
64 Rodney Beason / Shawn Brown 186 193 202 164 745 825
65 Duane Brown / Alton McKinney 175 218 182 168 743 899
66 Matthew Carlin / Matthew Slattery 184 190 215 151 740 824
67 Freddie Maneiro / Daniel Maneiro 174 236 150 178 738 942
68 Raymond Torres / Jeff Maneiro 190 179 176 191 736 928
69 Dykeata Newby / Anthny Johns 198 195 159 175 727 831
70 Kenny Sanders / Phillip Carroll 168 174 157 228 727 819
71 Mike Naughton / Jose Morales 182 187 184 173 726 926
72 Sue Strait / Scott Culp 194 191 176 165 726 786
73 Freddie Maneiro / Jeff Maneiro 197 187 166 172 722 938
74 Brandon Warfield / Dexter Frost 174 126 218 204 722 822
75 Veronica Mitchell / Robert Kyler 184 169 187 168 708 836
76 Jaharie James / Amanda Fogarty 183 190 179 148 700 880
77 Bre Walker / Pam Walker 173 203 179 143 698 910
78 Travis Weems / Rory Weems 176 179 155 151 661 813
79 Shawn Brown / Chaise Williams 160 168 166 162 656 756
80 Mike Naughton / Jose Morales 155 133 185 180 653 853
See individual results

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