2019 Lane Glo Singles November
Standings for Lane Glo Singles November

Doubles sorted by total overall pins
Doubles 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Donald Kennedy / Brandon Driggers 388 394 338 380 431 1931 2466 $100.00
2 Crisitan Azcona / Chris Polizzi 475 467 543 456 449 2390 2400 $60.00
3 Christian Miller / James Thomas 394 504 379 493 437 2207 2377 $30.00
4 Jason Zook / Sean Riccardi 437 515 419 504 431 2306 2356 $20.00
5 Crisitan Azcona / Sean Riccardi 486 479 464 460 443 2332 2342 14
6 Chris Polizzi / Sean Riccardi 505 460 477 488 406 2336 2336 20
7 James Thomas / Austin Andrews 447 437 412 448 442 2186 2326 30
8t Brian Hane / Jennifer Christiansen 414 351 371 357 394 1887 2317 39
8t Chris Polizzi / Kevin Fischer 373 438 493 465 453 2222 2317 39
10 Jason Zook / David O'Sullivan 395 448 420 504 463 2230 2280 76
11 Crisitan Azcona / David O'Sullivan 444 412 465 460 475 2256 2266 90
12 Chris Polizzi / David O'Sullivan 463 393 478 488 438 2260 2260 96
13 Mark Colon / Sean Riccardi 472 409 434 504 429 2248 2248 108
14 Frank Czarnecki Jr / Frankie Czarnecki III 375 417 435 404 387 2018 2233 123
15 Ed Irwin / Sean Riccardi 484 444 422 430 425 2205 2230 126
16 Rich Laudadio / Brian Hane 415 385 427 405 405 2037 2227 129
17 Sean Riccardi / David O'Sullivan 474 405 399 492 432 2202 2202 154
18t Jimmy Temple / Brian Hane 407 328 384 381 483 1983 2188 168
18t Michelle Jones / Ashley Goyette 411 328 441 407 406 1993 2188 168
20 Jennifer Christiansen / Jimmy Temple 333 309 369 332 359 1702 2187 169
21 Kevin Fischer / David O'Sullivan 342 383 415 469 479 2088 2183 173
22 Jerome Bates Jr / David O'Sullivan 426 396 360 472 466 2120 2160 196
23 Ed Irwin / David O'Sullivan 442 377 423 430 457 2129 2154 202
24 Shantevia Woodard / Adarius Brown 399 367 352 343 183 1644 1929 427
See individual results

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