2024 HowToBowl.com CB Masters
Standings for HowToBowl.com CB Masters

High Woman sorted by scratch
High Woman 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200 From Cut
1 Lizzy Rees 192 197 184 162 187 922 -78
2 Stephanie Ficklin 196 129 192 167 202 886 -114 36
3 Lizzy Rees 164 163 185 178 162 852 -148 70
4 Stephani Cooksey 128 180 199 178 162 847 -153 75
5 Nichole Thomas 164 190 180 161 151 846 -154 76
6 Amanda Moore 197 140 159 144 166 806 -194 116
7 Nichole Thomas 153 185 134 175 141 788 -212 134
8 Sandi Hankins 144 172 167 140 145 768 -232 154
9 Amanda Moore 173 158 133 137 149 750 -250 172
10 Amanda Moore 153 133 171 135 142 734 -266 188

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